Ok, maybe not funny haha, but funny just the same. I say every week that my life is not that exciting and yet I come to Sunday afternoons when I can finally sit down to type this thing out and realize "Holy COW PATTIES!". Well, ok I don't really say that out loud but want too. We really are getting busy again, must be spring time.
Monday was Monday, typical day where you want to slam that alarm clock across the room and have it beg for mercy. Going to work is another fun day of taking care of other people's problems and allowing them to scream in your ear.
Tuesday was soccer practice. Lizzie is really coming along with soccer and is really starting to enjoy it much more. Cicely would rather play on the playground for the hour, which is fine my me. She's having fun and not whining. We did start a new game in the car when they start to whine. If I hear that voice, I start whistling like a bird and tell them the bird is about ready to land on their lip because they have it out so far. Works every time because instead of hearing the whiny voice, I hear giggling. Anyway, Tuesday was also picture day and Lizzie got her very first soccer girl shot. So cute! Can't wait to see it when it is done.
Wednesday is work late night. My boss is convinced that the others on the desk have a hard time that I leave a little early on Tuesdays and Thursdays because of soccer. Which is funny, because they don't care. In any case, he makes me work an additional half hour on Wednesday "until the new guy is up to speed". This translates, you are working late on Wednesdays until you leave the company. The bright side to this is that one of the women I have met through rodeo had a jewelry party at her house. So much fun and Greg got me some very cute earrings for Mother's Day. Greg doesn't shop for anything related to gifts.
Thursday was supposed to be the soccer game, but Mother Nature was having either a bipolar moment or PMS or both and it was snowing, raining windy, and sunny at the same time. Hence, cancelling the game again. UGH! Lizzie has only played one game so far and I don't think she has the concept of how soccer is supposed to work. Crossing fingers she will be able to play this week.
Friday was long but so glad when it was finally over. Greg and Shelby were starting to get their things together for Henderon's rodeo and Shelby off to the prom. She said that she had a good time, but glad it is finally over. We went to dinner at our normal place and was able to catch up with the standard locals.
Saturday, Greg and Shelby left not so quietly for Henderson and I tried to get a few more minutes of sleep. 5:30am on the weekend is very early! Not going to happen since Cicely was already dressed for dance class. So up I went to make coffee and try to wake up. After dance class and dropping off the groceries, the girls and I head up to Evergreen to see my folks. Spent a few hours up there before I had to race down to town to get ready for the pig roast that the Elizabeth Stampede was putting on in Kiowa. So much fun! They ran out of food, which sounds like will be a tradition since they did the same thing last year. They had this amazing band that played all the country songs from the past. There was a dance contest, silent auction, and just a ton of fun. Got home early and off to bed again.
Today was helping some of the board members from the Elizabeth Stampede put up signs for the rodeo. That was entertaining in itself. I just love to see men realize that i am not a wimp and can pull my own weight if I have to. Plus, the men were just fun to be around. Now it is time to get the girls home again and relax for the rest of the night before starting up again. Sigh....really need to find a new job.
Until then...
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