No wonder no one will read this. I never blog. OK, more like I forget to post something or something happens that I don't have time or I am just boring. OK, maybe not boring, more like lazy. So, since the beginning of May until now, what has been going on. Hmmmm.....Well.....
Lizzie has had a couple more soccer games. Freezing cold, windy, raining, soccer games. One her team won and one they lost. They had a blast and are starting to understand the sport a little better. Granted, there are team parents who "forget" to show up to the practice and games so the kids who are there are working their butts off. I think Lizzie likes the game of soccer, but not sure if she wants to do it again so soon. Now she is talking about joining dance class with Cicely. I think I like her in soccer better. Cheaper by a long shot. Lizzie has two more games to play this week and then she is done for this season. Might keep her in soccer though, but not sure which league. The Castle Rock Rec league is too hard to get to on Tuesday and Thursdays. I have to say that Kim is an amazing coach and kicks butt at teaching these kids how to play the game. So much fun to watch. Always knew she was hilarious, but this is even better.
Cicely's first dance recital went very well. A little long, but well. She really loves dance class and enjoys the kids she is starting to get to know. The recital was supposed to be the weekend of the 8th, but then got moved to the 15th. Right smack dab in the middle of community rodeo, which I have dedicated my next two months too. Her costume was so cute and she did her dance steps perfectly. Granted, I am her mom and can say that. I was so enthralled with the fact that my little girl is getting bigger every day.
Shelby has done two rodeos this month away from home. One in Greeley and one in Eagle. Both she didn't place high, but sounded like she had fun. Sounds like Greg is starting to enjoy himself too. Shelby is also going to be a full-fledge high school graduate on Saturday. So hard to think of her as a grown up woman now. I still remember when I met her when she was 10 years old. Tiny little thing with a ton of hair. She helped out at community rodeo over the weekend as well. Actually, she helped for about a minute and sat on the rails when the bull riders came out. Yea, she's a teenager. She has been out of school for the past few days and is not getting ready to leave home. I think she likes it here. I know her dad does. He is going to have such a hard time when she moves out.
Speaking of the butthead I call my beloved husband. He has already gone to the doctor once about his back problems and constant headaches. I know that he is not taking better care of himself, it's just the way he is. He has also been working way too hard and people at work are driving him crazy. He's a good guy though and hope that all his hard work eventually pays off. He also helped a little bit this weekend, but told me later that this was my weekend to play and have fun so he became Mr. Mom. This is why I married him. For little things like that. Love this guy.
So on to my life of rodeo. I LOVE rodeo. I love working behind the scenes of rodeo. Loved being in the announcer's box (crow's nest) and hanging out up there. Enjoyed the camaraderie of the volunteers and the contestants. It was amazing. The Elizabeth Stampede Community Rodeo is dedicated towards the community at hand. Getting the town of Elizabeth to come out and watch some fun. And I think we had a pretty good crowd considering on Saturday night we had rain, hail, lightning, thunder, and a tornado. Springtime in Colorado is always unpredictable. Friday was the start of getting the arena ready. We put up banners, checked on the stands, made sure no trash was around, and wondered aloud if the bog that was called the arena would dry out. Apparently, one of the water pipes that runs under the the arena floor burst and made our sand pit into a bog of mud and goop. With prayers in our hearts, we headed out to finish our days and pray for no more rain. That night after Cicely's rehearsal, we headed over to the Kick Off party, which was a blast. Danced the night away, that's for sure.
Saturday, at 5:30 in the gosh darn early morning, I headed my tired self down to the arena to figure out the plan of attack. Helped with vendor set up and made sure they were OK. Walked around talking to people and then headed up to the crow's nest where we danced the day and night away to keep warm. Learned a bunch about the different timed events as well. Around 1pm, I headed over to the recital with Cicely and met up with the grandparents. Cicely's recital was way too cute and she really did a great job. So very proud of her. After kissing the girls and my parents off, I went back to the rodeo grounds for more fun. It was the Celebrity Stick Horse Championship. Teams from around the area competed on stick horses to win money for their favorite charities. So much fun when to watch the HS Rodeo kids versus their parents. In other words, Shelby vs. Greg. LOVED IT! I didn't leave the grounds until after 10:30 or so and figured out about that time that I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Made a quick dinner and then off to bed.
Sunday was Cowboy Church and getting ready for roping events. Not a whole heck of a lot to do in the morning, but did get to see more people that day. The roping events, tie down and bulldogging, were interesting to watch with someone explaining it along the way.
We had a lull in the schedule so we invited friends over for lunch. Such a fun family and they keep us in stitches. Really like being around the Burges. After lunch was more tie downs and that's when things really picked up. Had a new announcer for the afternoon who really knew his stuff and was fast. Enjoyed my time up there.
By late Sunday afternoon, it was time to go get the girls. We were meeting Mom and Ralph at Castle Cafe which is one of our favorite splurge restaurants. Had a good dinner, but I think we were all beat tired.
Got today done and now for tomorrow. Wednesday Toni and Gil show up for a week which should be fun time. Shelby graduates on Saturday and starts getting ready for her next adventure. It's going to be even more busy until the middle of June. Whew.
Until then.