Seems like all my postings are starting with some sort of sigh of tiredness. This week was no exception. Got done with a busy weekend, the week was insanely busy, and now another busy weekend. Wonder when I can do a spa day? Got to work on that.
OK, so on with the show. Monday was nothing special. Just had to work a little late to cover for someone at work. The bummer of all this is that I live so far from my office that my commute feels like it is even longer on days like this. By the time I got home, everyone had already eaten and was milling around the house. I come home to dirty dishes in the sink, starving chicks and ducklings, dogs needing a ton of attention, and kids that were smelly. Yea for me. Not really. Tuesday is soccer practice for Lizzie. Cicely is now the backup on the team and loves to play with the kids, but loves to play at the playground even more. So, she's off making friends and Lizzie is trying to pay attention. I'm just trying to stay warm. Again, home life is dogs needing attention, chicks and ducks starving, everyone milling around. See a pattern here? Yea, me too. Wednesday is another late night at work and a meeting for the Elizabeth Stampede Foundation. OK, that's a story right there.
I really wanted to get more involved with our community and what better way in doing this, but to join the volunteer group for the Elizabeth Stampede. Never thinking I would do more that direct people away from cow patties, I am now on three different committees, or at least two that I know of. One is a toss up right now. The Elizabeth Stampede Foundation is a group of women who are raising money for local charities or private groups that need a little more funds. These charities range from breast cancer awareness to homelessness to the food bank to someone needing a few extra dollars because of something. The woman in charge of the group is a go-getter who has lost most of her family to cancer or other illnesses. To hear her story, you stop and wonder how she is still walking around upright. Our first event is in May for a pig roast to raise money to get our group going. The second big thing is a silent auction at the rodeo. It's actually a lot more fun that I first thought too. So Wednesday night, I had dinner with these five women brainstorming ways to have some fun and from what we came up with, should be pretty fun. More later.
Thursday was the big day for Lizzie. It was her first real soccer game. Now, granted she doesn't understand what a soccer game is and loves soccer as it is so I have to say it was very entertaining. She did great and had a ton of fun. She didn't score any goals, but actually pushed the ball along and just rolled around on the ground. I had to race away before the game ended to my last meeting of the week for the Community Rodeo volunteers, my second commitment. OK, bad idea to keep saying Sure I don't mind helping there. Think I am second in command that weekend, but I have to say it is going to be a blast. This group is going to really make the Community Rodeo weekend a ton of fun. Lots of parties, lots of dust, lots of horse and cows. And LOTS of Wranglers and chaps. Best part is that it gives me an excuse to shop. Yea!!
Tonight is Movie Night at the library so the girls and I have a date. Tomorrow and Sunday are packed with a ton of stuff going on. Whew! Somewhere in there I need to get laundry done.
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