And the scariest part is that this is not the busiest weekend we are going to have. The next few are insane. Why so busy? It is springtime in the Rockies which means rodeo weekends, planting weekends, taking care of chickens/ducks weekend, soccer weekends, dance weekends, and all around "Can I breathe now?" weekends. Usually this fast paced craziness lasts until the end of September when school is back in session, rodeos are done for the season, most everything is harvested and either frozen or jarred. Would I have it any other way? Heck no!
The craziness started on Friday when the girls were on their Spring Break day. One of the girls in their class was invited over to play with Cicely and Lizzie for the day. Morgan is this sweet girl who is the oldest of three kids. Being only five years old, you can imagine that her little sister and brother are not that much younger than her. Her mom, Katie, and I have become good friends over the past year or so and I told Katie that I didn't mind taking Morgan off her hands for the day so she could get ready for a road trip to Sterling (northern Colorado, about three hours away from Denver). I picked Morgan up early and we first headed over to the feed store to get more food for the chicks and ducks. Going to Big R, the girls were able to see all the chicks, ducks, turkeys, geese, and bunnies that were for sale. Once this love fest was over, we went back to our home where the girls played for a few hours. The girls helped me feed the babies and then went into the house to play. I was able to get some work done on the computer (i.e. check FB, look at job openings, etc) before we headed out again. I took the girls to McDonald's that has a play area where they could run around and get their energy out. Then off to the movies. We went to see How to Train your Dragon in 3D. Girls had no idea what that was about until they put the glasses on. They loved it. Afterwards, I dropped Morgan off with her folks and we headed home. Granted, my two were still up to whatever trouble they could get into. So they played outside until their lips turned blue. It's a girl thing.
Chris came over to work Corky and I fed him leftover KFC (nice "home cooked" mean that my husband picked up) before sending him off to the meeting. He wasn't really planning on going, but I told him that he needed to go. And seriously, if he is going to be around us, I would rather him go.
Saturday, VERY EARLY, morning was when Shelby and Greg left for Golden for the HS Rodeo. Shelby is only competing in one event this year which makes our rodeo day short and long. Short that her competition is one of the first of the day. Long if they are away from home and have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Very early means that they left at 5:30 in the morning. The dogs tried real hard to get me out of bed, but I was able to hold them off for another 30 minutes before Cicely came down ready to go to dance class, which starts at 9. So starts my day. With Greg and Shelby gone, the girls got up and fed. I had to do all the feeding and cleaning up. As time got closer and Cicely got more antsy, we were out the door. Dropped her off at dance class, Lizzie and I off to do our errands. Lizzie is fun to hang out with, not saying Cicely isn't fun either because she is a ball, but Lizzie is a riot. She is determined to push the shopping cart which is about two feet taller and weighs about three times more than her and will do this the whole time. Unfortunately, she loves to help when we are next to the toy section too. Since Easter was on Sunday, she helped with what the Easter Bunny needed to bring to her and Cicely. Then back to pick Cicely up, and race home to put things away before out the door again. In this mad dash, I called Greg to find out when Shelby ran barrels and we missed the first event. Whew and bummer all in one. Whew because didn't have to race up to Golden and bummer because we missed it. On to the dealership to get the car done, to the library to pick up a few things, and back home. By this time it is lunch and the girls were starving to death. Got them fed and then went outside to play. They came back in to help make the Easter cupcakes and to decorate the cupcakes as well. The girls also decorated the Easter eggs I boiled for them and had so much fun. Afterwards, we went to our local restaurant for dinner which was nice. Back home to watch a video and off to bed to start over again.
Sunday held pretty much the same scenario. Shelby and Greg left at the crack before dawn, but this time I woke up with them. I helped the Easter Bunny out and hid things around the house. It was way too cold to go outside to look for eggs, so inside sounded good. Once the girls came downstairs, they were ecstatic to find the Easter Bunny not only liked the eggs they colored, but ate one of their cupcakes. Sam, the puppy, helped with looking for the eggs as well. Once we were through with the fun stuff, they ate some candy, had some breakfast, ate more candy, I was able to get them dressed and out the door to head up to Golden to watch Shelby race. I love going to rodeos when they are close to home, especially with the two younger ones. Cicely and Lizzie do not have a long attention span and get bored easily unless they are also participating. Some day soon they will be out on that horse riding around the barrels, just not today. Shelby did pretty well considering. She decided to use spurs which Quincy didn't like and he sidestepped to the third barrel. Her time was three seconds off the leader, but she will get better as the time goes on.
Since Shelby's competition for Elizabeth Stampede Queen is coming up, she is in need of Wrangler jeans (big sponsors). Being Sunday and Easter, I didn't think anything was open and when we started driving around, it was apparent that we were right. Back home again, clean up of the trailer, check on the ducks and the chicks, clean up of the kitchen, lunches made, and then the whole "what's for dinner" conversation. No one wanted to stay up too late since our mornings have been so early and we had breakfast for dinner. It's the Williams way.
Next weekend we do it again. Minus the bunny.
Until then.
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