I am so proud of my husband in so many ways. The strength he has, physically and mentally, always surprises me. The troubles he has gone through and risen up from it is shocking. Growing up a military kid, his family moved around a lot until they settled in Merced Ca. Growing up, he had a stable and firm-handed home life. Once he moved out, the troubles started. He fathered a child out of wedlock who to this day is the light of his dad's eyes. Brandon is the most amazing kid that we all truly adore. Brandon is in the Air Force and currently going through Tech School in Lackland, Tx. Few years after Greg moved to Colorado, he met and married his first wife. She had a child already and was expecting Shelby when they married. When Shelby and Lyndssey were very young, she left Greg and took the girls. This was around Christmas time and it broke Greg's heart into a million little pieces. It took all his energy and drive to keep going. One thing that really helped him was AA. For the past 13 years, he has diligently gone to the Friday night meetings (maybe not every week currently, but pretty close) and has noticed that not only have the people there helped him with his addiction, but have helped put peace back into his existence.
Why I mention this story is last night Greg got a phone call. A guy from the meeting, Greg says one of the "newest" members, found out that we have a few horses and one of them needs ground work. Chris called us on the way home wondering if it was OK for him to come out and get introduced to our horse, Corky. Greg said sure and to meet us at our house. When Chris showed up, Shelby and I were inside getting dinner ready watching the interaction. Shelby said that she wondered how much experience he had with horses and wouldn't be surprised that it wasn't very much at all. I didn't tell her how Greg knew him and just left it at that, for now. I told Greg before Chris showed up to invite Chris for dinner. One thing I have learned living with Greg and knowing his friends is to feed them because sometimes they haven't had a home cooked meal in a while and I do like to make sure they have that home cooked meal at least once in a while.
Chris and Greg were outside working with Corky while I finished dinner and did some chores. Shelby went out to help with whatever they needed and to meet this new guy. When they came in for dinner and we sat down, the stories started. First off the girls took over by showing off. They love new people and usually tell amusing stories for a five year old and four year old. Once they were done with dinner and upstairs, Greg had a phone meeting he had to take, so Shelby and I spoke with Chris. I am pretty blunt and wanted to know more about Chris so I asked questions. Trust me, if Greg were there he would have said I was asking too many questions. Chris was kind enough to tell me his story and we listened in amazement. His mom died when he was 9 and his father raised him alone until he was 13. His father then remarried a woman who told Chris that he wasn't as good as his step-siblings. Chris started getting into a ton of trouble and getting into things he probably shouldn't have. He has been in and out of rehab for the last few years finally realizing that what makes him happy and calm are horses. Shelby and I told him about stories we had with our experiences with horses. Chris and I like the same author so we discussed that. Found out that he was in the military and one of their cooks, he has now be told he has to make dinner. And that he is new to the program of AA.
After speaking with Chris and living with Greg all these years, I come to realize my life growing up and in my 20's wasn't so bad. Yes, I had some problems along the way that I dealt with, but I didn't deal with my problems in the same way they did. I did have a drinking problem, but the moment I met Greg I knew that I needed to cut down on my alcohol consumption and have. I thank God for a very strong handed mom and step-dad that kept me from going to jail, which may have happened a few times.
I really hope Chris does stay on the path to recovery and does still come out to our house for it as well. I know we are taking a risk having someone that had addiction problems come over, but I truly believe in giving people a chance.
Until then...
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