It's amazing to me how some bloggers I read can write every day. Eloquently as well. Me? Not so much because my life ain't that exciting. Most days, like Monday through Friday when I am working, are not that exciting. Answering phones, answering questions, hanging up phones, starting all over again. So not exciting. Sometimes something "exciting" will happen like a virus filled email will infect the whole firm and the panic will begin. Oh my gosh! Call the guards! Get the horses ready! Where's my spear! It's just an email. If you didn't buy something from Amazon, didn't send you resume out to Google, or know someone by the name of Jessica who wants you to follow her on Twitter, DELETE IT!! Pretty simple. Sigh....
Weekends are different though. Those are fun filled action pack type that I love and revel in. This weekend, Greg and Shelby will be heading up to Greely for rodeo without the spurs this time. Shelby learned the hard way not to spur Quincy unless necessary. They leave on Friday and will stagger in Sunday night. The girls and I have an fun filled action pack weekend of dance class, errands, and who knows what else. It is going to be a beautiful spring weekend, so outdoor fun is in store. Might take the chicks and ducklings out to their soon to be home, but we'll see.
One thing to note though, I bought a few products through Meleleuca recently that I am going to review. Mostly for me so it will remind me if I want to order them again or not. And if anyone decides to read this crazy blog one day (stumbling across it because searching was fun and thought this might be too) and decide to figure out what other nuts are buying this stuff, here ya go:
My first order I placed I only ordered three things:
MelaPower® 6x Detergent—96-load, Fresh Scent
Koala Pals™ Multivitamin—120 tablets
Sol-U-Mel® 3-in-1 Cleaner—16 fl.oz., Original Scent
First off is the MelaPower. When buying it, it is recommended to get the pump with can dole out the exact amount needed. Note to self, do not leave it on the dryer where the dogs can knock it over. Think I lost four loads right there. UGH. The scent is very subtle and when the clean clothes come out of the dryer, you can't smell the scent as you could with regular products. Truthfully, I don't see a savings for this product since I can buy laundry detergent that can wash 120 loads for about the same price. And with the fact that it says on the label to wash at the warmest temperature possible, how is that saving me money when I am not only running the electricity for the washer, but now my furnace as well. The true test will be when I was the kids' clothes, which I did last night but haven't had a chance to look at them yet. If this stuff is as good as I understand, then I might change my mind. Good? Maybe. Buy again? Not sure.
Koala Pals™ Multivitamin was a resounding NO by the girls. I got the cherry flavor and they spit them out. They did not like the flavor, texture, and the chalky after taste. They would rather have their gummy bear (sugar free) multi-vitamins instead. I tried them out and they are cherry flavor for a second, with a fizz, and very chalky. Also, with the multivitamins I have been giving the girls (Lil Critters Gummy Vites) there is no after taste, no chalky, and more than one flavor. Buy again? Resounding NO.
Last product was what is considered "liquid gold", Sol-U-Mel® 3-in-1 Cleaner. From reading the back, it doesn't take much to put together in a 16 fluid ounce bottle. I did not feel the need to buy one of their bottles and will pick one up this weekend. I have a few uses for this product and will give a review on it later this week. If it can get out the stains and smells that it says it cans and that Michelle goes on and on about, then I might buy it again. We'll see.
Anyway, tonight is soccer so that should be fun. Tomorrow is another day and then the fun filled weekend begins.
Until then...
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