So for the past few years, I have revealed in the fact that I am not going to be a soccer mom. Needless to say, that stopped when my baby said she wanted to play soccer. Not wanting to deny such revelations, I signed her up hoping that this would be a passing fancy and I can go back to just being Mom. Yea right, now I have her sister enrolled in the soccer phenomenon as well. Thanks to Coach Kim who I adore more than anything in the world. UGH.
For the past few days, I have slowly been collecting the soccer stuff needed for said youngster. She has the shoes from a friend of mine who's daughter outgrew her soccer shoes. She has pink socks and pink/purple shin guards. She has a soccer ball with her name on it. She has one pair of soccer shorts. The girl is ready. I was able to leave a little bit early yesterday from work and race to the train. Granted, thinking I can leave a little early I can pick them up a little early I am OK. This is going to work. I can relax. So, not even! Train ahead of us breaks down and will take 5 minutes to fix. UGH! OK, that's OK I can drive like the wind to get to the school. The good news is that I got to the school and the girls had everything they needed and were ready to go. Got to the car and did the fastest change on Lizzie ever. I think it was three minutes and that's putting shin guards and soccer socks on her, which isn't easy. They had snacks that they munched on as well. OK, we are doing great time except I have never been to the park before and the directions were OK.
Got there just in the nick of time with the hurricane forced winds blowing. Watching little kids try to dribble a soccer ball while almost being blown over was humorous. Because Lizzie's team is short one player, Kim wondering if I minded if Cicely played as well. The only problem I had (OK two problems she was in her new clothes) is that this was supposed to be Lizzie's sport and not both of their sports. Watching Cicely play though, she is good. I mean real good. Kept the ball with her and was able to score a goal. I know Lizzie had fun, but I wonder if she feels bummed that now it is both of their sports. Talked to her about it and she says she's fine with it because she made some new friends.
So now I am a soccer mom, stage mom (ballet/tap) and a hopefully soon to be rodeo Queen mom. It's not that bad I guess.
Until then...