Well, the weekend is finally done and boy-howdy I am ready to go back to work. Wait....did I just say that? Maybe not. Today was a crazy busy day, but I had so much fun. With the time shifting forward, everything kinda felt off which is normal. Cicely came downstairs around 2am or so saying that she had a nightmare. She is the kicker and the cover stealer so between the snores from the hubby and no covers, it was cold. She told me this morning though that she thought she heard gun shots or booms of some sort. It could have been the Air Force fighter jets that fly over sometimes at night doing maneuvers. Anyway, it was the start of the day.
Got up and breakfast started. Sundays are reserved for Big Breakfast Sundays. Yes, they have to be in capital letters. Very important day because we eat a lot. I make scrambled eggs, sausage, and pancakes usually. Sometimes add in or change to bacon, waffles, cinnamon rolls depending on who comes over or whose hungry. Usually, Greg and I are good until dinner. The girls can eat again around noon for lunch. After breakfast was done, I started on The Best Dang Sheet Cake which is a chocolate upon chocolate cake that is incredibly good. Just smelling it I gain about 10 pounds. Very easy to make too and you frost it when it comes right out of the oven.
Once that was done, the girls had a shower because they stunk, laundry done, dishes done, I got about 45 minutes to sit down. Of course, didn't feel natural so I did some other things. I guess it was because I was so excited about being a volunteer for the Elizabeth Stampede Royalty. Today was a clinic for girls interested in trying out to be a Queen or Attendant. I made Shelby go for a few reasons. One being that it would be an amazing experience and if she won Queen, she would get scholarship money. The second being she is on the board for the Elizabeth High School rodeo and would be a great representative for them as well. The girls who did show up for the clinic were so diverse. From a girl who is raised on a cattle farm to a couple princesses from other rodeos to other rodeo contestants. Great turn out, even for being small, and really fun. When all was said and done, Shelby said she has to think about it since it is a big commitment of time. I am bummed in a way that she is not jazzed up like I am, but I understand that it is a big commitment and it does last a full year. No matter what, I enjoyed it.
Afterwards it was off to Monkey Bizness. If you have never gone, bring ear plugs. Very loud place for 4, 5, and 6 year olds to run around for about 2 hours. Cicely and Lizzie's classmate Noah was celebrating his fifth birthday and everyone was invited. The girls had a great time running around, going down slides, squealing, and just enjoying themselves.
So now it is home again to rest up for tomorrow.
Until then....
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