Around here on the weekend, depending on the weather, we are either outside cleaning pens or inside cleaning the house. Of course there's about a million other things that happen as well, but that's the extent of the major things. Yesterday, I went through all of the girls' clothes to figure out what to sell at the consignment sale in Parker next weekend. So much fun going through clothes and remembering how they looked in them. Plus, my mother loves buying them things and they usually have three of everything so I am now able to give away things that other kids might need. And make some money at the same time. I hope I make enough for the BIG sale next month. Roper is a western clothing line that I love to wear and every six months they have a huge warehouse sale where they sell things for 60% to 80% off retail. So, I can buy a pair of boots for $20 or less!
Greg got the carpets cleaned again, which makes the house smell so good and fresh in a way. With three dogs, two cats, three kids, and Greg the carpets start to smell. Especially this time of the year when we are stuck indoors a bunch. Shelby got her room cleaned up and the girls did too. I was able to get the kitchen done and sweep the floors. What the heck am I am in here blogging?
So, we brought the new chicks and ducks home yesterday. I picked up 8 buff orfingtons and 6 Rhode Island Reds. Our friend Chuck said the Buff's are a good breed that lasts and does very well in this climate. I like the Reds for their egg production as well so I wanted more of them. And the ducks, well the ducks were given to us. I wanted either two geese or two ducks to protect the chickens. When ducks and geese imprint on their chicken counterparts, they will try to attack anyone or anything that comes close to them. Because the neighbor's dog killed all my chickens the last time, I want something in there to at least help protect the chickens. The kid at the feed store gave me a discount because we are locals and I was nice to him, so the ducks were thrown in for free. Chuck also gave us his old brooder that is set up in the barn with a 60watt and 100watt bulbs to keep them warm. They won't be ready to go out to the coop for a while, which is why we have the brooder.
Looking outside now, Shelby is in the horse pen talking to her horse. Cicely is in her pink Barbie dress with pink cowboy boots and Lizzie is in jeans, t-shirt and cowboy boots in the horse pen too. The dogs are playing in the snow and having a blast. Amazing live we have out here. Good for the soul and for the heart.
Until then....
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